Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Forgiveness Decree - I really like this one

By Divine Decree, with the power and essence of God Goddess and Elohim Grace, and my own God Goddess Presence - I formally and completely forgive myself and others for all transgressions and belief of transgressions that I or anyone else in this body has ever done upon myself and others, (across space, time and dimension, and for my entire soul and genetic lineage).

I forgive and release all judgments, regret, shame, condemnation, curses?, that I or anyone else in this body has ever experienced or projected upon myself or others, (across space, time and dimension, and for my entire soul and genetic lineage).

I forgive myself and all beings for anything that I or they believe to have been unforgivable.

I forgive myself and all beings for all lies they have commited towards me, or that I have commited towards them. And I forgive myself for all lies that I have commited towards myself.

I forgive myself for all acts of betrayal towards self and others, and I forgive all beings for all acts of betrayal towards me. I forgive myself for all times I have cheated myself or others, and I forgive all beings for all times they have cheated me.

I forgive all debts owing to others and myself! I forgive anyone who has ever owed me anything or stolen anything from me. And I forgive myself for any times I have owed anyone anything or stolen anything from anyone.

And I ask for immense financial assistance from my overflowing karmic bank accounts to pay any "debts" currently owed and for the realization that all debts and money are an illusion and I don't really owe anyone anything, and no one really owes me anything. All debts are now null and void!

I forgive myself for all the times I have hurt anyone in any way, physically, emotionally, mentally or sexually. Or killed anyone - personally, deliberately or inadvertently, in normal life or in acts of war. And I forgive anyone who has ever killed me or hurt me in any way, physically, emotionally, mentally or sexually.

And I ask the karmic board for complete karmic absolution and a complete karmic clearing between myself and all of these beings that I have had these experiences with.


I also release and heal all beliefs that forgiveness is even necessary, or that I, or anyone should be or needs to be forgiven. I release and heal all pain and suffering associated with all experiences (across space, time and dimension), from all lifetimes where I or anyone else in this body, (and for my entire soul and genetic lineage), related to victimhood, powerlessness, unworthiness, shame, regret, grudges, vendettas, curses...

I release all victim consciousness and beliefs that I am a victim or ever have been a victim. I release all victim consciousness and beliefs that anyone has done anything to me without my Soul's permission, or that I have done anything to anyone without their Soul's permission.

I formally and completely rescind all vows, and break all agreements, that I or anyone else in this body, has ever made, (across space, time and dimension, and for my entire soul and genetic lineage): that I will not forgive anyone for any reason; or that I cannot be forgiven for anything or for any reason; or that I, or anyone else, does not deserve to be forgiven; or that any action by anyone, or myself, is unforgivable. I also release all vows of revenge; all curses and projections of judgement and condemnation; lies, and vows to lie; and all agreements of debt.

And I release to the Light, any and all energies, entities, attachments, mechanisms, structures, implants, programs, codes, beliefs, thought-forms, curses, judgments, perceptions or pictures of reality - that have supported or maintained these vows & agreements.

Now open a doorway (tunnel/Rainbow Bridge) above your head to the Light. See these elements moving off to the light, give them all up to God.

And I call to the Lords and Ladies of karma and the entire karmic board, and I request complete karmic absolution, healing, forgiveness and Grace (across space, time and dimension), for myself and all associated beings, (and for my entire soul and genetic lineage), with whom I have had these experiences and lifetimes.

I also invoke Hathor Healing (el ka leem om) for our hearts and a complete energy healing from St. Germain's Violate Fire and help from the Violate Flame Angels. I also invoke Archangel Michael and his Angels for a complete lower dimensional psychic cord disconnection and disintegration from all of these beings. We are free! We are sovereign! We are One!

I completely heal and forgive all lifetimes where I have acted in any way that could be judged as dark, wrong, bad or evil. I recollect all of my souls aspects and soul extensions that are lost or trapped in their own feelings of judgement, condemnation, shame, guilt, regret, trauma, anger and depression.

I invoke special karmic dispensation from the Karmic Board, the Great White Brotherhood and Archangel Metatron, for the release of all this pain and suffering and a complete reconnection to unconditional love.

I now bring all of these aspects of myself back into my/our Soul/Monad, through my heart.

See all of these Soul aspects and soul extensions coming into your heart and taking them up through your Antakarana, into your Soul Star above your head, back to your Soul.

I invoke karmic absolution for all of humanity and offer this as a gift of my Divine Love and Compassion for the suffering of all.

I also extend this gift of karmic dispensation to all beings on all dimensions, across space and time. I extend my essence of divine compassion as a gift of Grace for all to remember their true essence of divine Love and to remember that we are all divinely perfect regardless of what we may do, think and feel.

I forgive ALL through the Love, Grace and Compassion that I AM!

I forgive! I forgive! I forgive!

We are Divine Forgiveness! We are Divine Compassion!

We are Whole! We are Perfect!

We are Love! We are Light! We are One! A HO!

Co-Create Heaven on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I just Love Doreen!

Moving into Divine Mind.

BREATHTAKING! This is where I live now, unaffected by what happens outside me as the electrons spin - I choose now to live in my center, connected to All That Is, energized by the vacuum.


"greetings unto you beloved and “wholly”

“son” of the One Light Divine…

son meaning “to spring forth from”…

that being said

I have come this day to speak with you

about your journey in this now moment of time…

this your 2010 as you would see it…

as you would “name it”…

thus making that number true for you…

there is a reason I have brought this point up

to you in this now moment…

a very good reason indeed…

for you see dear one

what ever you would believe to be true

is true for you

until it isn’t…

you are the creator of your beliefs

and your consensus…

this day I wish to speak with you about

the belief that the mind contained within

your two ears shows you the truth

of reality…

let me say this day…

it does not…

this year…this your 2010

will be one of great change…

yes…change is a consistent truth

in the dimension you find yourself to be in…

this duality …this polarity

has only one consistent truth…


to navigate these waters that are now upon you

(please notice I said waters)

for the very waters of grace are now

entering your dimensional space

to cleanse and purify the chaos that is present

in the energies you find yourself to be in…

all of it is good…yes…dear one

allow the changes to unfold…

yet…I have come once again this day to speak

to you of the way of the heart…

the way to navigate these changes that will allow

you to witness for yourself the real world

that is right where you find yourself to be

yet is overlaid by the world you have created

from your belief

that you are separate from that which


so…let us begin there…

you have two minds…

yes…this is so

the mind you are most familiar with

and have been creating your reality from

for eons

is the mind that “thinks thoughts for you”

it is the “separate mind”….

it is the one that judges…contrasts…fears…

all of those thoughts come from one thought…

“the belief that you are separate from what

god is…what abba is…what love itself encompasses…"

that guilt…buried deep within you

creates worlds upon worlds upon worlds…

and yet…within that very mind

already has the perfect conclusion been made

“on earth as it is in heaven”

for all that you see …all that you witness

is simply the perfect arising and passing away

of all form involved in the perfection

of the at-one-ment of all things…

thus….all of it is in perfection now !!!

to navigate these times you find yourself in now

I would suggest you move your attention

from the mind that thinks separation from love

to the mind of the one true heart…

the divine mind…

that which resides right above your heart …

yes.. the one true heart…

the very depth of your being..

all that the heart is

abides within you now…

to consciously “choose” to abide in the

heart and leave the “head”

will take you where you will want to be

in this time now…

how does one live from this space

you would ask???

you literally move your mind into your heart…

you abide there…

you will know when you are not

living from this space

when thoughts of fear and doubt arise…

thus a “ringing of the bell” so to say

that you have left heaven..

that you are in separation…

simply change your mind…

it is an aha moment when you observe yourself

having those thoughts…

witness them and then simply choose again

to move into your heart center and say

out loud…”all is well”

repeat those words until you feel

in every cell of your being an over all

feeling of peace…

now…you have simply by your own choice

chosen heaven over hell…

love over fear…

it is really that simple

you are the walking light of love

that allows all things…embraces all things

and trusts all things…

for this very practice is your truest state…

for you see dear one

you are a reflection of all that love is…

that very reflection is with you now…

it is only your “belief” that this is not so

that seems to keep this truth from you…

so…when you walk in the heart of love

you know that all things that arise and pass away

are perfectly fine…

you allow all arisings and bring your love to them…

you allow all “passing away”

and acknowledge the perfection of that moment..

you allow all of your feelings to be as they are

feelings of sadness…happiness…fear

simply witnessing them and allowing them

for all of these things are as much god

as the love that abides directly behind

and within these words…

to live from this state

is to remain clear…fluid

nothing is left to block the flow

of that which god is…

for you see…within you is the very power

that will restore your energy field into

a true state of love in all moments…

it is the way of the master…

this way is to love the terrorist as you love

the hero…

it is to love the rapist as you would love

the teacher of love…

it is to love the storms

as you would love the sunniest of days…

it is to simply love…

not necessarily to condone

yet to “bring your love to them”

to shine the truth upon all moments…

that and that alone will bring you to

such a knowing of the real world

that is right behind your singular eye…

that eye that knows that only love is real…

this has been spoken of for eons of your time

and yet its real meaning has eluded many…

this is where the very power of love

to change all into love “for you” abides…

it is like a rising of the most beautiful of waters…

as you choose to love everything

the waters of grace begin to fill you…

these waters remove from your energy field

all traces of the shadow that has veiled the truth

of that which I speak to…

you will be “filled”

with the waters of life

and everywhere you place your body

all will be touched and awakened

in ways unknown to you…

this is the true meaning of “grace”

all things are “you” dear one…

there is nothing you can ever see

that is not an aspect of you…

your body is not real…

your world is not real…

and yet that which you are

which is one with love

is within all things…all matter…

that alone is what is “real”…

all that you know and believe to be real

contains that very essence…

and that essence is “you”


and hear me well

you are the living waters

right here…right now

containing as much power to light

this world as any step I ever took…

of course this is true…

we are one… !!!

with love…the deepest of love I come to you

now in this hour upon planet earth

and ask you to remember the simple

practice of allowance…surrender…knowingness…

knowing that “what is” will always

be that which love has allowed to take form

temporal form

yet the love that brings it forth

is eternal…all knowing…infinite and eternal

breathing in within itself

the breath of life…

thus all is contained within the heart of love

as the dew drop is contained within the ocean

that receives it…

all is always loves perfect moment…

thru the eyes you are so used to looking thru

you will not see this truth

yet thru the eye of the heart

that witnesses only the perfection

of that which “all” springs forth from

you will come to “know for yourself”

this very truth…

this is true seeing…

to allow all neutral events to be as they are

by loving them…simply loving them…

you will feel an expansion in your heart center

and all around you

that cannot be denied as a direct result

of this simple practice…

yet only you can choose to see

thru the heart…

no one can do this for you…

no one outside of you can bring you the

answers and the truth you seek…

you are the truth you seek….!!!!

it all comes from within “you”

every moment

is a moment for you

to ‘bring your love” to…

every moment in time is an opportunity

for you to extend the love

that you are one with…

this is what you do when you enter the other

realities….dimensions of the kingdom…

you reflect and create

that which mirrors the love

that god is……

that is your eternal purpose…

bring that eternal purpose

to this now moment in time…

you will come to know the power of love

that abides within you…

for how can you be whole and complete

in Self

if you do not bring your love

“to all of you”…?????

and all things

are ~you~

be at peace my heart of hearts

for if you could see yourself in

the eye that I look thru and witness

the radiance of that which you are

you would not be able to withstand

the light…

yet with each choice for love

that radiance shines brighter and all

around you are touched and loved

by the mystery of that which

god is…

peace be with you always… "

jeshua and denisa

as one


if you would like to receive these for yourself

simply send me an email

and I will add you “in love”…

Can it be true? After a lifetime of not fitting in or belonging anywhere?

"It has been a big journey of love of self, and for many it’s been experienced on the outer world by relationships never working out. We had so much completing to do and tying up of lose ends from karmic experiences unfinished, and soul contracts made, that it felt like the old record would never end. Just when we were so over our self and gave up on all the duality dance, knowing that true union is within, but for many still hoping that one could walk beside the one/those who are equal, well now it is the beginning of a new story, a cosmic story of completeness and wholeness where those that truly resonate with us and can hold the same energies and intensity of thought, emotion and physical energy can come to join us. The union is at hand on the lower realms now as we have cleared the way.
Also the longing for a place to belong, really belong, not just a place you love to do your mission and live, or you love the place but do not resonate with the people around, or you love the people around but do not resonate with the place or somehow it never quite fitted. Even though you made do and were positive about it all and felt good mostly, but still something not quite there, now the New Earth is birthing we can feel at home, the doorway is opening for a life of joy on all levels with family, soul family, friends and all in harmony with each other and with the Earth, where the creative spark that lights you from within shines out and guides your way, not only for your direction but all around you in your home, the land and community. The light shines brightly from within and we are home."
My God, how I want to *belong* somewhere, to someone.
This astrology report says it is true, also.
"As the Sun and Venus move through Capricorn, they are going to square off with Saturn in Libra who is already squaring off with Pluto. So again, because squares push us out of our comfort zones and in to new territory, you may as well co-create on whatever level you can at this time. As you begin to recognize more ways that your inner and outer lives do not match, this energy will give you the strength, courage and stamina to make the necessary, if major, corrections. With the added energy of the Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses, change is inevitable, so go with it and consciously address that which you deeply desire to change about your Self, your relationships and your environment. Use the frictional energy these aspects bring to break free of old paradigms which no longer reflect the real YOU. Whatever you do, DON'T GIVE IN & DON'T GIVE UP!! Navigating this time and processing these activations consciously will be duly rewarded. If you know, love and respect your Self, then you will want to cultivate strong relationships that reciprocate that love and respect. It won't be easy, but it will get done, so you may as well participate on whatever levels you are able. This whole year will reveal how well you maintain integrity and cultivate community, then a strong individual and a solid team of support will carry you through the next few years of truly radical new beginnings. This year is pivotal!! Don't waste even a second on looking backwards or petty distractions."
"If you know, love and respect your Self, then you will want to cultivate strong relationships that reciprocate that love and respect." Wow - this is *exactly* what I want to accomplish in my new environment, to establish these kind of reciprocal relationships, which I have never had before. Please help me God, because this is the end of the road for me. Do or die time. Make or break.

Friday, January 15, 2010

It was the quake that made me physically ill.

On Tuesday, I had gone to get a haircut and I left Avelina's at about 12:50. I was en route to a Schlotsky's sandwich shop in Tustin, which I found out when I arrived was no longer there. I stopped at a place called the Sandwich Box and ordered a turkey sandwich. When I sat down to eat it, I became nauseous and dizzy, and thought it was just because I was hungry. This was at about 1:45 p.m. By the time I got to the doctor's office in Fountain Valley, it was 2:00, and I was totally dizzy and had to be put in a room to lie down. I went home to my friend's house where I was staying and lied on the couch the rest of that entire day into the night, feeling sick. Now I understand that it was the energy of the quake and loss of life that made me ill.

Heaven Letters.

Help me, God, to change my focus whenever I might feel less than I AM.

"God said:
When there is love in your heart, you truly are not thinking about yourself. That is what love is. You have tenderness for a seeming another. You can't think two thoughts in your head at one time. When you are thinking of another, by necessity, you aren't thinking of yourself.
This is a very good thing, don't you think, to have another uppermost in your mind and heart? Everyone on Earth longs for this. You long for someone else to love with all your heart and to think about. How wonderful even to tend another's garden. How wonderful to think of someone else rather than yourself.
It gets a little wearing, doesn't it, to always be thinking of yourself? What you want for breakfast, and what life didn't give to you that you are sure it should have given. What, what, what.
When you love and have thoughts for another's happiness, you are coming from fullness. When thoughts of yourself are uppermost in your mind, odds are you are coming from a presumption of lack, a presumption of being short-changed. Trade in such thoughts for fullness. Loving yourself and thinking about yourself get to be self-propagating and draining. Yes, My children need a change in focus every now and then or often.
This is a virtue of work as well. It takes your mind off yourself. And if you love your work, you are a king in the world, blessed more than twice.And this is the virtue of having children. They expand your world. This is on the agenda of life, for the children to be born, and the children to raise you.
So, beloveds, instead of thinking about what you are missing, haven't had, should have had etc., think of what would give happiness to another. Even when there are those you don't feel great love for, what could you do that would lift their happiness level?
You are a lever. A lever works in every situation. Levers don't have specialties. Levers lift up. They get underneath and lift up. A lever is not a plier, for pliers grasp and hold on. This is why I say you are a lever. You are also a lover, beloveds. You are one who loves. Love abundantly. Love in every situation. The more you love, the more you love. Try it.
Pretend you are in a fairy tale, and I am the King whose daughter you want to marry. I tell you that the first thing you see, you must give love to. If you see a gate, a dog, a beggar, a street cleaner, or a princess, whichever comes first, you are to give love to. Let love with your heart rise to your eyes, beloveds. Acknowledge to yourself the love you have for a gate whatever its appearance may be. And the same for the dog, beggar, street cleaner, and princess. May you can shine love on all five. Why not? You may be particular, but love is all-embracing.
Maybe you can appreciate the ground under your feet that carries you to your beloved. Maybe you can appreciate the taxi driver. Maybe you can appreciate your shoes. Maybe you can appreciate even the stranger who bumps into you in his hurry to meet his wife.
What is love but appreciation, beloveds? What is love but gratitude for the opportunity to love? Love is mighty. Love makes the object of love mighty. Love makes others the kings or queens. Love makes happiness for all in its vicinity, and for all not in its vicinity.
Love is noticing what is, beloveds, and love is, and love is all.Permanent Link: http://www.heavenletters.org/when-there-is-love-in-your-heart.html
Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere."

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This is where I have to be, in order to allow Love to flow into my awareness from outside myself.

Now that I recognize it and am able, it is merely a matter of daily practice. I have work to do!

"this will be a month of much movement within and without…

be at peace and know you are loved…know that all who will choose to

leave during this transition are in service to the atonement

as are we…………..

there is only ONE THING going on now on planet earth…

that ONE THING is, the ascension of all matter into the truth of love…

it would be helpful if we “owned” this responsibility …

if we walked each day knowing we are only to embrace and allow…

to see the love within all moments…

for to do otherwise creates that which we are here to heal….

letting go of our belief in lack is simply to acknowledge

there is no such thing…it is our creation born of fear…

our fear that we are separate from the love we are one with…

nothing…..nothing could be further from the truth…

with that….i bid you adieu…

with love"




Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Yummy for the tummy - that Indian dish Jesse makes which is spinach. I took that, added a can of chicken from Trader Joe's, a little onion, clove of garlic, juice of a lemon, and then it becomes the texture of a stew or spread not a dip, but it was DELISH. That nan bread with butter, too. OMG.
Yummy for the mind - stayed out of bed all day after awakening, taking a pill and a nap, and then getting up at noon. Got all housecleaning done today, except my own grooming, skin and spa care routine, and that might wait until tomorrow.

Yummy for the soul - FEEL the streams of access to the purified Love channel, getting stronger all the time.
But, about 8 hours is all I'm good for, so it's time to go horizontal now.
LOVE TO ALL, JUDGMENT FOR NONE, FOR WE ARE ONE. (I still love saying that after all this time).

Wow! I ate three whole times!

Even though the first meal was just shredded wheat covered with sugar from Trader Joes, dry. And all of my three meals combined would leave most people scarfing it all up at one session and asking for more. But I had lost ALL interest in eating. All week. Longer than that, really. And took two caplets twice of Vitamin D and Omega oils. I gotta do this again tomorrow! And every day!


OK I have been here before, this is where I partnered with Linda to build a website about connecting people who are aware of Unity Consciousness not only for dating, but for whatever reason. Then, Alexa and I bought the domain name, stellarconnections.com, and did nothing with it. Well, I got sidetracked with surgery and no longer had the hundreds per month available that I was going to sink into the project. I need someone who is a webdesigner or who can even use the do-it-yourself design kits of pre-packaged web pages and functions. It can't be that hard. Bet I could do it, I could even do research and training on the laptop lying down.
Interesting, indeed.

As above, so below. My separation issue is mirrored in the collective. I HAVE to figure out how the two relate.

"Someone wrote on craigslist: "You're a drunk good looking white male walking down 111 thru Cathedral City at night, a block ahead you see a group of vicious queens having a circle jerk, wearing pink dove shorts on ecstacy listening to Madonna. Do you cross the street? No, you go back and tell the Mexicans there's a group of rich queers up the street looking for a beat down."
I guess that explains my purpose is for living here. The people are allowing themselves to descend further into separation consciousness than I care to be.
This corresponds to me perceiving that the men around me allow themselves to descend farther into separation consciousness than I care to be, farther into the realm of ego. OK. Got one connection already from the micro to the macro. This is going to be interesting.
When I think of my relationship to the collective in terms of Unity Consciousness, it corresponds exactly to the micro-cosm, because in both instances, concerning the larger general poulation as well as the gay male dating population, I feel distinctly and utterly separated from the conscious awareness level and the generally agreed upon definitions of reality. They are not where I live.
Food for much thought.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Time to get back to my Roots.

Suburban North Texas. Driving out of the city was like going backward in time. Very predominately progressive Christian, with the heard line of the worst of the Right-wing hanging delicately in the background, not spoken about in polite company. Straight, married folks with 2.5 kids, a dog, a cat, and a white picket fence. From the first rattle out of the box, I never belonged here, anywhere, and togetherness was something I always wanted to experience. You know, having a best friend and later lover with a big heart, a childlike look on the world, innocent, happy, and fun-loving, going everywhere together, holding hands, and all that wonderful mushy stuff. So, why, then, did I land at birth into the environment I did when I was a gay, somewhat androgynous, progressive, Unity Conscious, completely aware of my connection to a higher plane, where I would absolutely not be able to find togetherness?
As the years went on and I became lost behind the veil of forgetfulness that finally separates us in the end from our truest selves, and when ego took control of me, my identity was formed in relationship to this absent togetherness factor. I became unable to enjoy my own company because ultimately I always ended up there, with myself, by myself, sidelined, outcast, unimportant, shut-out, dropped-off...
Then came driving. What was that song in the late seventies that was so outer space, called Cars, and it was about living in the insane society and described my relationship between me and my car exactly as I experienced it - a refuge, the only comfortable place to be, just another person in the ocean of cars that were everywhere, as far as the eye could see, filling the freeways rusing around like blood cells in an artery, or like electric signals in a nerve, where it was safe to engage with the "collective" mindset. Anonymously.
Ultimately I was never able to drive myself to any location where I was able to find anyone to befriend and have this togetherness experience, and I lost interest with automobiles altogether. This made it possible for me to be able to decide to move to San Francisco when the opportunity landed in my lap, because I knew I would be using the trains and buses and streetcars and such to get around, and would have to actually interact with people. Well.
While very eye-opening and educational, I cannot say that the intense interaction of living in a major walking city was successful for me. I wonder if it would now that I have evolved so much more than when I lived there.
So, Southern California felt just like home, back on the freeway, zipping along with all the others, anonymous, safe. Alone. Togetherness not only stayed elusive, but also became less and less of a real possibility as the people became more and more crazy the longer I lived there. I had returned to square one, after being unable to drive myself to any location where I found togetherness, after now having been unable to fly myself to any location where I found togetherness. So. I suppose having all this time on my hands naturally led me to stop running away from myself, and to stop and take a look at what it was that I was running so hard from, to try to ultimately find out what it was it that was chasing me to this togetherness, although I did not know that was the purpose when the journey began.
I had a reprieve from the hard-core loneliness blues during about the past 3 years, while living in the semi-communal situation with the boys and Howie and Marlene. That was the first time since my teenage years or maybe a little bit in my 20's and early 30's, but not as close as the past three years, that I had such relationships available to me. It was incredible. It just makes me want more and more the togetherness that I have longed for since the first instant I was aware I was separate from Source and living in a very strange new place indeed.
Back to the task at hand, namely, taking a good look around inside at what it is that makes me have this drive, what makes it so elusive, why my experience of romance without another half is so painful. I'd never say a bad thing about my short dating experience last year, although it did not turn out to be what I envisioned for myself, and he turned out not to be the one for me. I was not feeling the romance vibe that my soul craved, and still craves, so I am determined to find out what is going on, what is the meaning of this, what is the past-life story, or soul agreement issue, or karma, or whatever it is, so that at least I can understand my position, since it frustrates the complete shit out of me and in fact I will never ever accept my position, without togetherness. I just won't! (Sounds like the next topic for taking up therapy, do you agree?).
Now, the paradox is that the external reality is simply a reflection of what's going on inside. So, I am completely responsible for my lack of the experience of togetherness. I haven't met him yet. Well, I have met some close calls, but none of them have been available to me in this way. So yes, I get that I have chosen this route as opposed to simply dating whoever comes along to spend time with them, maybe for more than a short while, and to eventually move on to the next love interest, as it was played out all around me by the gay guys who were playing the Soul Mate game. So many are just fooling themselves and are in love with the idea of being in love rather than truly in love with the person they have chosen. It is always doomed. And even those who do have a genuine, sincere, soul-mate kind of togetherness are bombarded with obstacles for making relationships work, that many of them don;t make it either, when they could have or should have.
So, for some reason I perceive that I have never met many others who were playing the same game of togetherness that I am, who want intimacy on all levels, emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual. Sometimes I think I see them, but then it turns out that no, they are not on the same plane as I am, not at my state of evolution, whether than be higher or lower is of no significance, not on my wavelength is my favorite way of putting it. Where are they? I read about them, and I read books and articles by other people who are on my same wavelength, butI don't see or meet them usually. WTF? Why? Am I hiding? Am I not digging hard enough or not going where they are? Where are they? I promise you, "bars" is not the answer to this question. Church is not the answer to this question, although it is usually a little bit better than a bar. But you see the same folks at church that you saw out whoring last night, so it's just a little bit better, not a lot.
So, where are they and what are they doing. This is my next investigative effort.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

~ you are the walking miracle of love ~

~ you bring heaven to earth
by your "willingness"
to bring your love to all things ~

bringing your love to all things
is being ONE as all things...

for you
are the walking chalice of love
that brings the perfect solution
to each moment..

you are the bringer of
the miracle...heaven.. to earth
with each choice simply to



if you would like to be added to my email list please simply send me an email
@deniseanew@aol.com namaste


Feel like hammered shit. Very heavy chemtrail day. I stood outside watching the secret planes spraying the massive rows of chemicals into the air, and watching the rainbow formations in the clouds of barium and aluminum salts as they rain down upon us. Respiratory irritation, runny nose, burning eyes, general malaise. So many are oblivious.
Got an appt with a pain doc right down the street on 1/18. Decided late in the day that it is time to take the animal skin off the bed - too hot, makes me sweat and be miserable. I am up doing laundry that looks like it will take me through the night and into tomorrow. Found an orange fuzzy sock that belongs to my guests.
Hopefully I will be able to cook a bite to eat in a little while (pasta and salad sounds good) and shower. I told Bill on Saturday that I was going to shower and wash out my guts; Wednesday came and went and I have not yet tended to that. Tomorrow I will need to vacuum and mop the floors, including bathrooms. Otherwise, all is under control.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

HEAVEN #3330 Talk to Your Heart Now, January 6, 2010

"God said:
Be confident in My love. Know it exists and that you have it. This will make all the difference in the world for you. I carry you in My arms. I am your comfort. Do not ask for proof. Ask to give love. By this simple asking, the kaleidoscope of your life will change. This is a certainty.
Say to your heart:
"Give love. Give all the love you want to. I give you laissez-faire. Go for it, heart of mine. Give love right and left. See how far we can go. God says there is no end to you. He says the love you contain is His love. He says there are no limits to His love, and therefore there are no limits to how far you can give yourself.
"Heart of mine, give me some love too while you are at it. I need more of your love. I must have asked you to withhold love from me, for I have not loved myself enough, and sometimes not much at all. Disobey any injunctions I have given you. Adore me. Love me from every direction.
"I will also ask my mind to think well of me. My clever mind has been quick to trash me. Too often, my mind has seen me as an unfavored stepchild. It has thrown stones at me. It has not given me enough to eat. It has played cat and mouse with me.
"Now I proclaim, dear heart, that you have the ascendancy over my mind, and you will love me forevermore regardless of what my errant mind tells you. My mind is no longer to control you. Laugh at my mind when it tells you that I am nothing. Stick up for me. Slather love on me whether I am ridiculous or wise. Slather love on me so I will always remember that I am love that is loved. Hold me in your love, and never let me go."
That is how to talk to your heart and to yourself. No more of this meticulous fault-finding. If you are good enough for Me, then accept that you are good enough for yourself. Parent yourself differently from the way you have been. Your job is to find favor and no more displeasure. The stepparent in you has made faultfinding a priority, and now you dispense with that.
You have been sailing on a wrong course, and now you right yourself. I set your destination. I set it to love. The furrows of the ship you sail on point to love, and the past is forgotten. Now you love yourself. That is My commandment. Love yourself. Deny yourself no longer. Love yourself forever.
This one thing will make such a difference in your life. When you love yourself, it will be easy for you to get up on a bus and give your seat to someone else. It will be easy for you to put someone ahead of yourself because, loving yourself more, you will love others more. You will do kindness to yourself, and you will do kindness to others.
The more you love yourself, the more you love. You are wealthy in love, and I ask you to use your wealth. Deploy your love everywhere, and that means you give love generously to yourself as well as others. Is it love that can be ungenerous? No, love can only be generous. That is what love is. Love is generous, or it is not love. Love is too busy loving to be distracted by lesser details. Make love your life, beloveds. Love now."
Permanent Link: http://www.heavenletters.org/talk-to-your-heart-now.html
Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I am a complete vegetable, dropped out of society, still able to feed myself, but otherwise resting peaceably. Without the desire to move. Without a care in the world. Being comfortable while I can. Before better weather sets in, and I begin to move around more, which was one of the conditions and intentions of my coming here. Horoscope says it's perfectly alright to recharge and isolate in silence, so that is what I will continue to do.