Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gay Rights.

At first, the filibuster in the Senate today, led by John McCain, just frosted my balls. They are SO FUCKING PISSED that Judge Walker ruled Prop 8 unconstitutional, and now Don't Ask Don't Tell has also been ruled to be the same, that they are going to obstruct all the way to the Supreme Court and beyond. What a colossal waste of time and energy.
So, what I have realized about gay rights, minority rights, civil rights, etc., is that while most certainly we want to oppose to discrimination of any kind, the idea of getting all bent out of shape is just a complete waste. We have to simply refuse to allow those people into our reality any longer. We have to exclude racists and bigots, and be ready to call them out on their shit and stand our ground rather than just get incensed and drawn into the schoolyard bully fights. There are hungry people on this shit hole of a planet, and all the warring over the diverse nature of sexuality has nothing whatsoever to do with why we came to this planet. That is not how we handle things in the higher realms, and as we move forward into ascension and better anchor our higher selves into our bodies, we will simply refuse to participate in that drama any longer. How utterly tiresome. Mother Earth desires that we raise our frequency, but in fact is going to raise hers whether we want to or not. It's time to shit or get off the pot. The ship is sailing. The rapture is here. Only it has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the garbage spit out by todays' evangelical Christian Reformation. Oh. Boy. Yeah, basically, religion of the nature we have now on earth just are not going to be a part of the New Earth. All is One, One is All. It is that simple.
And, generally speaking, we to revisit Herman Melville's and other colonial authors' accounts of the Puritanical moralizing, and its destruction of individuals and communities. It is time to review the Dark Ages, when the world was ruled by Christianity. Do we REALLY want to go back there? OF COURSE NOT. And what better way to avoid it than to simply refuse to allow it to exist. Push it out to the sides of our society, bit by bit, continue to scorn and embarrass those who perpetrate racism and sexism and bigotry of all kinds, until they are squeezed into a corner like the Mormons were squeezed into Utah. Too bad they did not stay there.
So yeah, I am not going to sweat it anymore. The law is on our side, the Jesus freaks are going to come unglued, but that cannot keep us from claiming our human rights and extending them to all who we encounter. They can kick and scream and obstruct all they want, and they will. By refusing to engage in the dialogue, by refusing to give them any acknowledgement other than to say that they are rude, and if that does not work that they are insane for still living in that paradigm, and to go ahead and claim our full standing as citizens, they will be marginalized quickly. We need a national campaign to join a group whose sole purpose is to say that we identify ourselves as intolerant of discrimination of any kind. With a logo and a bumper sticker. And a t-shirt. And hat. Let's just embarrass them to death.

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