Sunday, January 4, 2009

Surfing the edge of Creation.

Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

So what of these, mysterious sexual fantasies we live in, during our "Walter Mitty" alone time? The place where creation *actually* occurs. The place that holds the spark of our very existence. Under the surface drama of it all, we are there, trying to get our attention, so as to remember how powerful we really are. All the flirtacious and sexual sides of us, whether overt or covert, are rabbit holes we must descend, in order to one day find ourselves at the bottom of one of those tunnels, on the other side of the veil, frantically trying to excite us into the creation of our very own State of Being on this plane.

I totally get the temptation of Satan for your soul, because he is in fact trying to tempt us out of finding our true nature. It is fascinating that the place he tempts us is the very place our power lies. Not that I believe any of that Bible thumping stuff. I don't. I'm just saying I "get" the parable.

What love surrounds us! How can it not?

We are it.

We are One.

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