Friday, January 15, 2010

It was the quake that made me physically ill.

On Tuesday, I had gone to get a haircut and I left Avelina's at about 12:50. I was en route to a Schlotsky's sandwich shop in Tustin, which I found out when I arrived was no longer there. I stopped at a place called the Sandwich Box and ordered a turkey sandwich. When I sat down to eat it, I became nauseous and dizzy, and thought it was just because I was hungry. This was at about 1:45 p.m. By the time I got to the doctor's office in Fountain Valley, it was 2:00, and I was totally dizzy and had to be put in a room to lie down. I went home to my friend's house where I was staying and lied on the couch the rest of that entire day into the night, feeling sick. Now I understand that it was the energy of the quake and loss of life that made me ill.

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