Saturday, May 8, 2010

Speaks directly to me. Almost creeps me out.

Jeshua on dealing with fear:
“The fear you are experiencing is the deepest fear a human can face: the fear to live.
People think they fear death, but they actually fear life, because life is a strong, unpredictable force that leads you past the highs of love and joy and the lows of fear and loneliness. Life is about feeling.
You are afraid to feel your fear, because you think it will destroy you.
However, this thought is simply fear in another form.
The only solution is to face the fear, let it be, embrace it as it is. It is part of life.
To be able to live with your fear, you need to make a decision.
It is the decision to live, specifically to live on earth right now. This decision cannot be made for you by anyone else. You have to make it and it must come from your heart: your feelings rather than your thoughts.
Deep down inside of you there’s a little boy waiting to be welcomed and caressed.
He was not received by his earthly mother in a way that made him truly feel loved for who he was. He does not feel at home on earth. He is also carrying past life time grief inside.
This little boy has felt betrayed and abandoned by life. He is not sure he wants to live on earth ever again.
He is now asking you to reach out to him from your heart. Your fear is his voice calling you.
To embrace life on earth now is to embrace this little boy inside.
Would you want anyone else to take care of his wounds?
Would you want to hand over this precious child of yours to anyone but yourself?
He is waiting for you.
What he needs from you first and foremost is your acceptance. He wants you to take responsibility for him and tell him that you are there for him no matter what. He needs to know that you are there even if he keeps on crying and being afraid. He needs to know you will be there unconditionally. Only then can he relax…
You see, you cannot make his fear go away through any outside method. The idea that he needs to be healed or ‘fixed’– with the help of healers or healing methods – may make him feel there is something wrong with him. He may feel rejected by it. He has no trust in life. The only way his trust can be restored is by you being there even if he remains afraid. You must accept him unconditionally, and only then will this wounded child receive true healing.
If you truly embrace this inner child of yours, he will bestow you with many gifts among which the greatest is to find joy in life again, to enjoy the ride between the highs and the lows, to feel safe and at home on earth right now.”
Warm regards,
Pamela & Gerrit


Jesse said...

I'm glad to see you're blogging again. - Jesse

Anonymous said...

This rings true for me too. I too sometimes feel betrayed and abandoned by life. I will take care of my inner child by loving that part of me unconditionally...