Friday, March 13, 2009

Bruce Lipton, PhD.

Our gene expression is controlled by our perception of the environment.  But sometimes, our perception is not accurate.  Therefore, our gene expression is controlled by our BELIEF about the environment.

Profound shift in thinking about what controls a cell, and therefore what controls biology.  The scientists and metaphysicians are meeting in the middle, and the information is being hidden from us.  Mainstream media is nothing but propoganda, period, The End.  We have to decide to CHANGE OUR BELIEFS about our environment, that it is supporting and loving and safe, in order to transform human behavior.

I had been exposed to his lectures before, but they went over my head and additional learning was needed on my part to be able to assimilate his ideas.  The most fascinating thing is that now, I see that his work and Robert Scheinfeld's work in the Infinite Journey DVD's are interrelated, because Schienfeld's whole premis is to get us to *challenge* our beliefs, many of which are inaccurate, so as to change the resulting behavior that the belief about the environment produces.  Lipton demonstrates why this esoteric exercise has validity.  I have been using Scheinfeld's formula to challenge my own beliefs, and have seen his method work in my own life. I have been able to strengthen some relationships and build a new one using his method.  I have seen how important it is to BELIEVE *IN* those that you love.  Now Lipton clarifies the significance of this for me, and I am excited to do even MORE of the work!  It is truly a fascinating time to be alive!

LOVE TO ALL, JUDGMENT FOR NONE, FOR WE ARE ONE.  (The significance of this statement grows every time I use it).

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