Friday, March 20, 2009

Love is...

"Love is granting another the space to be the way they are, and the way they aren't, so they can change if they want to, and they don't have to.

"My notion about service is that service is actually that kind of relationship in which you have a commitment to the person.  Now I don't mean to the person's body or to the person's personality or to the person's stomach or to the person's almost anything.  What I mean in fact is that for me what service is about is being committed to the other being, to the other person spiritually, to who the person is.  Now the problem with that is that to the degree that you are in fact committed to the other person you are only as valuable as how you can deal with the other person's stuff, their evidence, their manifestation, and that's what service is all about.  Service is about knowing who the other person is, and being able to tolerate giving space to their garbage. What most people do is to give space to people's quality and deal with their garbage. Actually, you should do it the other way around. Deal with who they are and give space to their garbage. Keep interacting with them as if they were God.  And every time you get garbage from them, give space to the garbage and go back and interact with them as if they were God.


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