Saturday, March 21, 2009

Trading Places

like a deer caught in the headlights

wounded inner child appears, dazed and confused

as light floods the dark space

during the magical portal of the equinox; the cosmos has aligned

so confused about how this became so twisted

when all he needed and wanted was to be loved

as a parent loves a child

in you he saw the potential for acceptance

but instead became increasingly intoxicated 

by the affection of the fire water

affection born of innuendo

cannot suffice

but the worst part is that

the game I did not want to play

consumed me, and I found myself mirroring to you

the thing I most despise, even if only a badly timed comment meant to lighten the mood

how could this have happened?  the very opposite of my desire

the shame and guilt of trading places is great

treating you in the same manner for which I cursed you

how did I come to be on the other side of this looking glass

it cannot be allowed

forgiveness of the past, of the self, is the only path out of this maze

as I declare that I Love, and am worthy of the Love I desire

I (we) deserve to be comforted





not as an object

not based upon my (our) "hotness" factor

but simply because I Am

it is only because I Love myself

that I can Love you 




it is so simple

why complicate it

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