Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Mayan New Year!

If I were not witnessing it for myself, I would not be so willing to talk about the dramatic energy shift today. The past few weeks have been just horrible and could not possibly continue much longer. And there did not seem to be any forward movement about ANY of it. It was simply unbearable. And FINALLY, today, with the new Mayan Calendar cycle, all the stuck energy burst wide open and movement there was.
I've been in this argument with this Tea-Party leader in the comments section of my last post, who says that he is baffled by my intense hatred for him, and that he is surprised that I want him to die just because we think differently is a foreign concept to him. And I'm thinking, yeah, that's because you are a straight white guy, with all its inherent privileges in society. And also, he is too dumb to know what satire is. But anyway, I am glad I got his attention and I hope that he can see how offensive his ideas are to many of us. I doubt it. But I can dream.
I blogged about having another direct experience with Unity Consciousness at the last moon cycle. And now, today, I see massive evidence that it has grabbed the attention of much of humanity. I knew that more and more people were getting it, but now the planetary wave of Unity is unstoppable. It is so exciting to see it begin to fall into place. Imagine. Peace.
I am so curious to hear about the Prop 8 trial, because it is either going to really energize the bigots, or, it is really going to drive them completely over the edge to the point where they start freaking out and trying to segregate themselves from gay people. Yes, they are THAT crazy. It is going to be an interesting fall.

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