Monday, July 12, 2010

It's overwhelming.

I miss the boys too much. I feel so hopeless about the politics of the country. I hate the polarization and the conservatism and the racism and the homophobia. I just despise the fact that our country and the black ops that we fund are so involved in war and wreaking havoc and terror globally. The economic news is so draining - I feel very fortunate, and wonder how people make it who are not as fortunate as I am? At the same time, I wonder why gay men are not more open to having loving, committed partnerships because of all the millions of benefits, like living expenses going down when you have two people together (not to mention suffering less loneliness, less depression, having better health and longer life than people who are not happily partnered - well the benefits are endless, I won't even bother with that here - it is a whole other post by itself). I hate it that gay men have no clue about how to be platonic friends without it becoming sexual somehow, because I love intimacy of all sorts. I hate the amount of difficulty and hardship and stress and financial problems and health problems that everyone is dealing with. It's just too much. All of it. Is just too much.

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