Thursday, July 15, 2010

Not so down anymore.

The recent cycle of eclipses was brutal, and the energies were awful. But new insights occurred at the bottom of the depression (as usual, they just get worse and worse, followed by more and more insights). This time I experienced direct knowledge of Unity Consciousness, just like when I first started hanging out with Jess and Michael at the end of 2006. Only this time, I have studied and meditated and gained so much knowledge that I knew what was happening.
I have learned that I must no longer spend any energy on finding a partner or anyone else in life and to pay no mind to anyone who does not have direct knowledge of Unity Consciousness, or who does not at least want to learn about it. This way, I will avoid continuing to attract people who are still stuck in the ego-constructs of gay dating and life in general.
Poor Michael and Jesse have just been through the wringer. I know many people who are having a tough time right now for some reason or another. I continue to pray for everyone's healing and comfort, and alignment with their highest good, should they choose with their free will. We are coming together as One now on the planet, not a moment too soon.
Jesse called to check up on me and said my posts sounded really down. And they were, and I was, but I have taken a turn and am feeling better and learning more and more. So The cycle begins anew. I really dislike the fact that this is the mechanism through which this ascension business works with me. I'd like to calm the moodswings down if at all possible, and hereby ask my guides to get to work on that. :)
So much love for everyone, words don't begin to describe my appreciation.


Jesse said...

Thank you David. I do worry for you - because you are loved and family to us. Hold tight and we'll keep doing the same through this craziness and ever-changing environment.

Turtlelove 181 said...

I love and miss you David