Thursday, October 9, 2008

Phoenix will rise from the ashes...

Two-Armed Spiral Milky Way Illustration Credit: R. Hurt (SSC), JPL-Caltech, NASA Survey Credit: GLIMPSE

"Welcome to Cosmic Time, Allison Rae's astro ezine offering insights into 2012, current cosmic influences and the evolution of consciousness on Earth. Subscriptions are available by donation. To subscribe, unsubscribe or manage your subscription, including changing your address, follow the instructions at the end of this e-mail. Do not send an e-mail to be added to the list, unsubscribe or change your address. To read past issues, click here.
Copyright 2008 Allison Rae/ "

"Cycle Shift"

"Well, look at this. All heaven is breaking loose, right here on Earth.

It's not like we didn't know this was coming. The prophecies and our own intuition have told us . . . something's gotta give. The "blue star" appeared late last year, heralding the next round of changes.

At the Full Moon in September, the reconfiguration went quantum with markets and systems and paradigms collapsing one by one, domino-style. Earth changes are intensifying. Every day, facades shatter. Illusions disintegrate. We're scrambling to keep up.

If we take a moment to center and breathe, really b-r-e-a-t-h-e, we can attune to the divinity underlying the seeming chaos. Feel into the changes. There's an excitement, a rumbling. A new day is dawning on Earth as love bursts through the cosmic veils. It's an honor, a sacred blessing, to be alive in these times.

When systems break down, something new can emerge that better serves humanity's evolution. This is a supreme gift of the shift: the potential for a quantum evolutionary leap into an enlightened state of being, ways more in harmony with each other, all creatures, the Earth and the Cosmos.

A planetary configuration during the Full Moon last month hinted at the possibility of an unexpected blow to reality as we know it. Turns out the financial markets would be the playing field. Economic, military and political realities are shifting by the moment. Notice how often the Plutonian term "meltdown" is used? Pluto re-enters Capricorn on November 26, transiting the sign of business, finance, institutions, corporations and government for the next 16 years. Expect further annihilation in sudden bursts as Pluto and Uranus square off in a revolutionary showdown.

Ultimately, upheaval results in balance. This is a beginning. A series of planetary transits over the next 20 years indicates radical changes beyond our wildest imaginings. We live in the Between Times, the cusp period between world ages. Every aspect of our existence will change as we metamorphose into new humans, and a new Earth. Western Astrology, the Mayan Calendar, the Vedas, indigenous prophecies and other spiritual teachings from around the world offer clues and guidance.

In these times of shifting realities, it's wise to prepare in a good way. Get sustainable. Become self-reliant. Circulate resources and gather with others who share similar values and intent. Form community.

Most of all, keep a positive focus. Lighten up. Learn to dance with the changes. As we make our way through 2012 and beyond, manifestation is accelerating. What we think becomes so, instantly. Release fear. Create from love. Feel the power. Share the bliss.

It's time."

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