Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Posted by Tuvasana Soma on

"What does We Are All One meen? First Responce Channel AWM.

From the UNIversal Records of I AM.

We are all ONE refers to the realm of energy and source of Universal Life Force. At the beginning of the cycle of ignorance during mankind's plunge into the dark and sublime experience of individual consciousness through the past 26,000 years, HUmans' spiritual energys fragmented into a multiplicity personalities which taught you to interact and relate to one another. In this infantile stage of your developments the light of compassion was released into the darkest of your hours. Fully experiencing realms of dynamic opposites in the psyche of the individual experience of the collective mind, both Universal and of the Earth, as you are rooted in its vibratory frequencies as a physical being. As the speed of light changes and expands with the eternal clarity of Light entering the Solar System by the Photon Band. You have called and beckoned to attain the next step of your evolution. To this as ONE unified wholistic system of biological and intellectual life. One, NOW, fully awakened THROUGH individual experience. Now navigating the overtones of the Unified Field of consciousness which will soon lead to your collective ascension and your stepping fully into higher realms of existance while living a physical and Earth centered existdance. Seeding other galaxies and solar systems with biological life replicated by the fundamental truths observed through your Unification process. This merging collective mind is very difficult for those whom have an imbalanced relationship with the Ego, a necessary integrational frequency for the development of your I AM completion mode. Mode of Divinity and Man. As the imbalance becomes naturally attuned to the ONEness. The harmonic of UNITY will once again ripple throughout the known UNIverse, as it does at the beginning of each new cycle, will cleanse and balance the dark night of the HUman psyche. Purging the very systematic ways of disorder and causes of negative effect. This is not to place blame or judgment upon the observed imperfections of your current societies. This is of pure compassion and objective observation of the inherent results of the experiment of individuality. We do not wish separation from the sovereign freedoms of the individual experience, this is the integration of that experience into an expanding realm of being, which is inevitable in nature due to the necessity of creation to expand and experience new and joyful ways of BEing. A result of this integration is the development of your INDIGO SENSORY upgrade. The first 5 senses, each aligned and attuned through the vortices of energy known as your chakras (Root/Touch. Sacral/Taste. SP/Sound. Heart/Smell. Throat/Sight) As your primal natures began to infuse with the angelic nature of your higher self, These first five centers developed as a result of your original materialization into matter. The physical UNIversal will always seek to harmonize with the Spiritual realms. Your mind and thought processes have demanded the creation of a subconscious realm of existance for the balance of the lack of focus in the spirtual dimensions. Your focus became external and you created and invented the most amazing gadgets and gizmos which reflect the fullest potential of your internal UNIverse. This is the imbalance of the AGE, lack of internal work and maximization of the external experience. This is manifest in the dysfuncitional modes of your current structures which are not aligned with Love, the divine heart center where physical manifestation much stem from or the results will be subjected to the destructive and unrooted energies of the lower plains (root, sacral, SPlx) As you now experience the attunement of your 6th and 7th sensory completion. The HU of HUman becomes the relevant result of your experience. Hu (Hu (Sufism), a name for God.) The angelic infused and Divine nature of your being dancing harmoniously and consciously with the primal and rational states of your unified experience. There have been those whom have incarnated fully awakened with these sensory upgrades and have guided the innovative and intellectual ventures of your cultures. The day soon approaches where each incarnate being will be consciously working with the unified field where all information and records of past experience of duality exist. Telepathic communication will be the normal mode of communication where external devices will be seen as ancient relics of the new technology you are experiencing with your own bioelectric communication grids. No thing will be capable of existing which does not support the UNIversal grid matrix. In other words the physical reality will maintain equal resonance with the fabric of creation and will not be supported in its manifestation if the intended creation does not maitain the fullest light frequencies of the collective wholistic grid. When this happens there will be no defining term for wholistic medical practice, for there will be no practice which does not serve the highest good. Nothing will be shadowed or hidden, there cannot be unspoken intentions and motives. All will be clear and finely resonant with all environments and colective grids of the Earth and the Cosmos. Your breath merged with the gentle breezes from canyons to open plains, Your sight as precise as an Ant's and as vast as the Eagle, Your words the notes of all creation and your footsteps as gentle and strong as the deepest Aspen roots. Please allow your heats to release the fear by which enslaves your wildest dreams. Please remember the eternal child within which will guide you to the most joyful of dances without. Take a moment to breathe with a tree and let it speak to you its story of eternal truth as your roots blend and sing with the most vibrant of reds in to the veins of blood red lava flowing beneath your homes. Universal Fire and passion in perfect alignment with your home and environments. Breathing deeply into the depths of the primal egoic self and exhaling through the crystalline essence of creation shooting through the haloed crown of your divinity bouncing back from every star in the universe through rainbow prisms and spirals showering a spectrum of physical reflections and creation. Feel the presence of integration, feel the wholeness of your gentle and quiet breath. Feel the living essence of everything around you. SUN MOON STARS EARTH WATER FIRE AIR AND ETHERS. Now awakened within a fully functioning vessel of attuned BEINGness. A complete and resonant reflection of Harmony, Free and ALIVE inspired by all things in joy and innocence living moment by moment the eternal promise of LIFE.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Omega Tranzmission ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

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