Thursday, June 4, 2009

Quick and Easy trip to Hell in a Handbasket.

My travel today was quick and easy. When I purchased my ticket, there were few seating options, and I thought the plane was full. Turns out the computer was just balancing the weight in the plane. If I had thought that the plane was half-empty, I would have saved $135.00 for a first-class upgrade instead of spending all my money last week. That seems to be the trick when flying from OC to Dallas - buy economy and then upgrade to first-class for a song at the check-in counter. But with no one else on my row, and a pretty decent snack, I was in Texas in what seemed like just a few minutes. I kept myself occupied with a new book, Wild Attraction; The Energetic Facts of Life, which is fascinating. I look forward to putting some of the knowledge in this book to work to see how I can turn my recovery and depression around. So many good books lately. One thing is certain - I have GOT to expand my circle of friends, and I have got to pursue activities that make me happy. After 10 years in California, I can count all my friends there on two hands, and only a few of them live in my immediate area. This is not what a well-adjusted person's social network would look like. Anyway, we'll see if I am able to turn that situation around after studying the concepts in this book for a while.

It feels like I am out in the country. This place is sparsely populated compared to California. It has a very laid back feeling that I am sure I will enjoy while I am here. I already had to re-train the garage door opener because someone had screwed it up, fix a toilet flapper, oil all the squeaky doors, and the to-do list is endless. Sorry mom - I am just not up to any big projects this trip.

My luggage could not be put into the trunk of the car - my mother backed into a large truck with a large trailer hitch at the King Tut exhibit and has not gotten the car fixed. Nor had she informed me of this. My sister did not so much as come out of her room or say hello to me or kiss my ass or nothing. I guess after I told her to stop writing me shitty emails right before I had surgery because it was not helping me to mentally prepare for what I was facing, she is not talking to me. And she is really really pissed off that my mom paid the Altima payment for a couple of months during my first six-months off work. So sorry to have been in need. I guess I know where I will not be receiving any help in my old age. Suddenly I feel very well-adjusted, succssful, and happy. LOL!!! Nothing like a little family dysfunction to remind me of how fortunate I am to have relationships that are dynamic and loving and safe.

Can't sleep a wink. I need my fan for noise. It looks like I am going to skip the whole graduation ceremony on Sunday - it requires a drive to Denton, about 40 miles to the north, and then sitting all morning, and then a return trip in the afternoon - I am just not up to that much activity yet without a place to lie down if I should suddenly need to.

I am going to take mother to work in a couple of hours and keep her car in case I am able to hook up with any of my high school friends or former coworkers. So maybe I should go try to nap.



Turtlelove 181 said...

I'm Happy you arrived safley David. I miss you. That sucks about the graduation but it's best to be safe and comfortable. I love you.

david said...

Nah it doesn't suck. There are at least several hundred students in the class, and it will be long and boring and full of sister/ex-husband/boyfriend drama that I am not in the mood for.