Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Spring Cleaning is in full swing.

I have embarked on a journey to focus my attention on removing from my orbit and sphere of experience, that which does not allow me to feel connected to Source, or which separates me from who I really am. I have embarked on a journey to find others who desire to follow a path where, in every moment, we choose to appreciate and to be thankful, and to express Love, so as to remove the scourge of the feeling of separation from our experience. I continue to be frustrated by those who refuse to open their eyes and see that what we have in this instant is perfect, who refuse to allow themselves to Live, Laugh and Love in this moment. Society teaches us to place all kinds of barriers between us that prevent us from doing this. It is kind of strange though, since the intensity of this kind of interaction inevitably leads to the desire for the expression of sexuality with others who Love in this manner. This is my ultimate addiction - to merge my most Loving, connected self with my physical being, especially during the expression of sexuality. People who are unable to get the picture are only half alive. When the opportunity to do so presents itself, most people are scared shitless and run. Very few people have their emotional and physical bodies aligned in this way - in fact, most will tell you that they deliberately separate the two. The prevalence of anonymous sexual encounters is proof of this. I completely reject that model, and wish instead to align my emotional and physical bodies, so as to experience the maximum amount of time in an orgasmic state of bliss. It is a lonely road that I travel, but there is no other road for me. Where are the others? I intend to have constant loving companionship with others.


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