Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 2009 - such a time of expansion!

Based on the importance of our Unified Field activity on the Full Moon Grid, we send this communique to everyone and hope that all light bearers will join us in this Crystalline Grid focus of Light.

Blessings to the Light Team
and all Healing/Activation Transmitters
on the Full Moon Grid!

Updates for Sunday's (October 4th) Healing/Activation Grid Transmissions...
CALL TO MASTERY! We have expanded into a greater work and purpose since the last New Moon transmission where we saw with One Eye. Planetary and celestial events are unfolding that are calling us to transmit as fully multi-dimensional beings. All limiting thought patterns, control mechanisms and supposed restrictions are gone. We are called to consciously direct our own thoughts and actions through this transmission, without so much being told what to do as Knowing what to do and who "I Am". As One, I Am Presence, we hold Gaia and our beloved Moon together for the expression of our highest potential here and now in the expression of events that are removing the old to make room for the New to manifest. Water and Fire...rains, floods, tsunamis, typhoons, and other outpourings of water are expressing in the Pacific Ring of Fire. Earthquakes are shaking the land and water is covering it. The Pleiadian Light Emissaries are active in this region as the Star team while we are their ground crew. Many souls are departing as the light gets brighter and easier to see as the choice of crossing comes...drawing many into its loving arms. We release them with gratitude for the ever expanding vortex of light these individuals are participating in. As we support our family in these areas, this part of our transmission will express as the Violet Flame of Transmutation for all with the geometric form of the Vesica Pisces (two circles overlapping that create the birth portal).
A blatant attack from the old patriarchal energy on our beloved Moon is unfolding (NASA has sent a missile with a detonation device to the moon). We enter the magnetic grid for this part of the transmission and keep the polarity of our intention firmly connected to Peace. Like a magnet that must connect to another magnet we connect to the Galactic Federation of Light and our entire Star team now with the geometric form of Infinity.
We must have an energy field free of negativity so we are able to allow the magnetic light to flow through us into the Grid. As the Ground Crew, we are responsible for:
Knowing that all events are unfolding to bring us closer to living in Heaven on Earth.
Having clear intention without any form of fear in our thoughts or hearts.
Receiving the light messages in whatever forms they come.
Focusing our thoughts in such a way as to allow the messages to flow through us into the Grids.
Expressing our Love, Joy and Gratitude for the Moon through words, thoughts and actions that uplift and encourage her.
Requests for healing from the Full Moon receivers have also taken our transmission into deeper realms. In the Crystalline Grid, we hold the purest electric blue Christ Light in diamond geometrics. Requests are for enlightenment, clarity, ascension and DNA activations; healing of past lives, relationships, bodies (all light bodies as well as physical bodies), destructive habits and thought patterns; and many ask for financial wellness to express in their lives. By playing in multiple grids and in many dimensions we access the Unified Field where all is One and One is All. Your pain is my pain and my joy is your joy. Here we recognize that pain is not is a sensation that calls our attention so we may focus light to specific places in our one body as we continue to unite into One Being. And so We Are!

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