Thursday, October 22, 2009

On one hand...

...I am aware of the formidable task ahead of me in reclaiming my life, to the extent that I am able. It is clearly not going to be easy, and I am starting to strengthen to the point where I can begin to contemplate it all.
That being said, there is more to be happy about than sad, check this out - from my horoscope for Friday - just *reading* about nesting with my friends visiting - was enough to make me joyful! I am such a lover, and so love to be "tuned in tapped in turned on," as Esther Hicks says LOL, or "in the flow" as athletes say, or "filled with the Holy Spirit" as some say. Same stuff, different description. So anyway, I'm getting to where I can connect to that more and more, but it has got to be an everyday deal if I am going to get my life back, which is my intention, so I am seeing it more and more (as anticipated):
"How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace."
Ah, what delicious feelings of joy! I love it that I have access to that feeling just at the very thought. Awesome job!

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