Saturday, September 5, 2009

New meds are an improvement.

I'm up five pounds!
Michael woke me up at about 9:15 wanting to know if I was mad. I told him of course not - I know that he is under terrible weight from many directions, and was giving him all the space he requires - I do not want to add to his burden in any way. I think he wondered about this because I did not come downstairs last night when Chuckles and Anda were here. But I had told Jesse on a text message that I was working on several projects and would probably not be down. Computer Windows Registry drama - until 5:00 a.m. - and still not finished. Thank goodness for the laptop, which I can tilt on its side and use in bed lying down - or I would never be able to get all this accomplished.
Michael said he does not know how to approach me. Here's a hint: with a smile. :-)
Cooked breakfast. Emptied the dishwasher. Watered plants. Folded clothes. Paid the bills. Wrote correspondence. Got a haircut. Went to the grocery for a couple of items. Went to Kohls for socks. Mailed letters in a side-of-the-road mailbox on the way back from Kohls. Talked to mother twice - always a drama. Talked to Howie about computer drama. Texted Jesse several times. Ate and ate and ate. The new psych meds make me ravenous. My new pain meds control the pain just a little bit better, which allows me more "up" time on my feet. I am sure the shots on Thursday helped, so I am not sure where the chips will fall in the end after the shots wear off. I wonder if I will have enough stamina today to spank it outside in the papasan chair LOL!
I am about to undertake the Windows Registry drama - but am now interrupted by a call from William K. - Craig's ex - checking on me since I was hospitalized - BRB...
The goals for next week are: getting an eye exam and new glasses, scheduling a colonoscopy pre-op visit, scheduling an early visit with the surgeon for new x-rays since I have a new "pop" sound when I bend, scheduling an appointment with the counselor, finding a new in-network dentist for a cleaning, buying an iPhone, scheduling a 17,500 mile checkup for my car, and dusting and vacuuming the apartment. Whew! That would bring me completely current on my chores and to-do list, with the exception of cleaning the dusty, dirty balcony, which can wait. I want Michael to hand me the water hose from below so I can spray the nasty coating of soot off the blinds - everything outside in the LA area is covered with soot from all the pollution.
Still have not called Dale back and feel guilty about that. Must do so.
UPDATE: Computer Registry fixed. YAY!

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