Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Acceptance of my new pace of life.

Yesterday, I went to my favorite beach for a couple of hours, which requires you to walk a pretty good distance and traverse a hillside using a staircase that has been dug into the dirt. For a person with my limitations, it is a formidible challenge indeed. My backpack with towels, blanket and sunscreen weighs 4 pounds, and I was carrying a soft cooler with a turkey sandwich lunch and two water bottles and two soda cans. I went slowly and methodically to my destination, where I was then free to remove my clothing and allow the sun to pour all over ever square inch of my skin - just about one of my favorite activities. Today I am paying for it.

I came to a place of acceptance about my condition. Although my pain may continue to decrease a bit as the bones continue to fuse, I do not expect to have any major change in the pain level and expect long-term pain issues. Is this news? Not really. Pain has been part of my experience for so long that it would be unrealistic to expect it to be all gone. The new challenges of walking with a completely fused and crooked spine and off-balance pelvis are daunting, but managable, IF I slow way down. I do OK for the most part, with radical changes in my activity level, but things do take me a while longer than most.

And that's OK with me. A turtle's pace does not bother me one bit. I have spent the first 45 years running wildly as fast as I could to try to make it in this crazy world, and letting that go does not break my heart AT ALL. Now I have time to stop and smell the roses, among other things. I will accept my condition with grace and simply smile and enjoy the new perspective that comes from getting to be a slow-poke.

Smile! and then see what happens to you. This opens the high heart chakra, which will allow your compassion to flow immediately.

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