Sunday, July 5, 2009

Need another journal to more thoroughly explore details...

...the crop circles predict a major sun spot/flare on 7/7/09. Whether this is exactly true is a side issue - the idea is that we are about to be pounded with energy that is transformational in nature. By definition of that word, there will be some destruction, but that is only the first cycle of the process of transformation.

Since the sunspot was so easily detected by my sensors the other night, I fully anticipate that the "big" one will have the capacity to fry some stuff. Know that I personally am just exhausted from the rollercoaster. Today I woke up and was cleaning house and whatever crips do to pass the time, and was feeling so awful that I had to stop what I was doing and take a walk. I mean literally, I had to take a walk in order to keep from slitting my wrists. I wanted to be able to express love, and closeness, sexuality maybe even. Same old shit. Whatever. I walked, slowly, trying to see how best to accommodate the length discerpancy between my legs, due to pelvis tilt, to avoid pain in the hips. Whatever. I *almost* cried, but avoided that mess. I ended up at Trader Joe's, and I saw Ranier Cherries when I first walked in and grabbed some. I was really after a turkey sandwich, and could not find any prepared sandwiches. They moved everything around. But I persisted and finally found the TWO LITTLE BITTY prepared sandwich rows were. I came back home and prepared lunch, and then resumed my chores while taking bites at the same time, so as to hurry up and finish making the bed so that I could get back into it. I am not done with my chores, but the bed is made, and that is where I am headed.

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