Thursday, July 23, 2009


As we enter July, many of us feel like trees that have been ripped out of the ground and uprooted. Our roots are no longer firmly planted in our old lives. Instead, they now reside in burlap sacks, ready to be moved to our new, truer locations. What we most want is to replant our roots into new ground, stretch them out, expand our branches, then birth our flowers and fruit.
Because of this, we can expect many outer changes this month. July's focus is on completion of the old and integration of the New. The energies this month will help us to bring many expired aspects of our lives to resolution.
Since we are now traveling on a totally new map, everything requires a new set of navigational skills. One of our main priorities in July is to learn, as quickly as possible, how to navigate our new internal landscape. We need to bring forth our new beings into the remnants of our old lives, thus transforming them so they turn inside out and release us to move into the brilliant New Lives that are waiting for us.
Helpful qualities at this time for navigating the new map are enhanced intuition, calm patience, an expanded perspective and the realization that everything is happening in its perfect timing. We must let go of the false sense of control over things that we no longer have any control over. We need to be cautious of overusing our mental bodies by too much analyzing, planning and worrying. Although it may be uncomfortable, it's important to allow things to be unpinned and formless during our transition from the old to the New. We don't have to impatiently try to force things into form or definition. Instead, we can allow everything to settle naturally into their new positions.
On the new map we have to develop new ways of seeing to perceive where we are. It's similar to a computer game where we have to move the curser to the exact, right spot to discover what is really there. Or tilt the angle of a hologram to see the hidden picture that is embedded within it. Each time that we do this, something new is revealed.
When we embody PURE HEART LOVE, we enter a heightened frequency band of Trueness. This is like a super light speed expressway and it's here right now, available to all of us. This is what we are meant to travel on rather than the bumpy, drama filled, challenging road of duality. Traveling on the frequency band of Trueness and PURE HEART LOVE is what will take us into the places where we are most meant to be, where we can fulfill our Wildest Dreams.

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