Wednesday, July 22, 2009


great shifts are upon you now…
there is much, much light
coming from within you…
You are the central sun…
the extender of love…
the giver of love’s expression
you are that ONE…
this process you find yourself to be in
is one of letting go of the little self
to expand the true SELF…
this is your purpose
this is what the ascension is all about…
letting go of the little self
you simply made in error
to support your belief
that you are not now
SO…..if this be so
what must then take place
for you to once again
be home…be in heaven
even while you still find yourself
to be in a body???
what must take place
is the releasing of the
little self….
that one that judges, fears…
carries guilt…shame
and all the children of these
you have created worlds upon worlds
from these beliefs…
yet none of them
none of them are true…
you are perfect and complete now…
so what must take place
to return home to your true state…
your being ness of eternal bliss
within the ONE MIND…???
a retraining of the mind…
yes, this is the only way
to retrain your mind
to “see only love”
this training…
the seeing “only love”
no matter what appears
in your perception
is what brings you home…
as gods expression in form
nothing can be outside “your love”
for god is but love
and you are that…
so what could exist
that could possibly be
“outside of your love”????
all is "within you”
nothing exists outside of YOU…
your belief in a separate “I”
is what has kept you
in duality…
you ….you
are the very love that exists
within all things………
if you would but allow it
the retraining of the mind
is rather delightful…
think of it as a game..
oh, this one over there is angry
at me…
well, I choose to see only love
in this moment…
Father/Mother/ God that I AM
help me to see this in a new light…
as I see only love
love will reveal itself to me…
The Christ Mind
does not judge
it does not anger
it does not re-act
it simply abides in its bliss
knowing that all is perfect
that all is loves perfect expression
in that now moment…
it does not create more worlds
birthed from the little self
who believes that what he sees in front of him
is the truth of things…
I say unto you
it is not…
nor has it ever been…
this day
open your 3rd eye
the eye of the sacred heart
that we share as one…
if you would but see only love
in all things
I will come along
and clean the shadows that
have built up on your lenses
of sight…
I will wipe them clean
and begin to show you
the real world…
that world where only love exists…
I cannot do this for you
you must be the one to choose for it…
so, begin with the retraining of the mind…
see only love
stand outside of your dream
and be the observer of the dance
of creation
that is here in service
to YOUR awakening…
this is how loved you are
for when “you”
make the choice to see only love
all of creation becomes your servant…
all of creation
dances a new dance
just for you…
to bring you home
to the one true heart…
with that
I bid you adieu
from the one heart…
peace be with you always
this message is free to share with anyone you feel guided to share it with…
there is no need to give the author credit……….

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