Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Do you feel the eclipse yet?

It's a real strong call from Home.
Jesse's dad is right - we *are* our brothers' keeper. I want to live somewhere where there is harmony, peace, Love, community, caring, cooperation, more assistance-based interaction, more social-based interaction, the absence of ego head games, well, you know, like Home.
I'm ready so I guess that means that my intent is that the place present itself to me. Or maybe it is not a place, but a direction or path, I am open to that also. But this just isn't doing it for me. I have way more to contribute than I am allowed to contribute. Must find the outlets.
Here's what I'm talking about.
"This Eclipse is marking the final passing of the Old Paradigms from the Age of Pisces. It is releasing us from those aspects of “Tradition”, which have actually resulted in the suppression truth, love, tolerance, spontaneity, creativity and a direct connection with the Spirit. Our old emotional “Comfort Zones”, signified by Sun and Moon in Cancer, are being challenged; the South Node in the first degree of Leo is calling us all (not just the politicians!) to let go of narrow self-interest, or feathering our own nests, if it is in any way at the expense of the Collective or Greater Whole. The North Node in the first degree of Aquarius is a challenge to truly embrace the Aquarian ideals of Brotherhood/Sisterhood and Collective Responsibility, and to turn them into a reality for everyone, not just the elite few, or those who are “in the know”, or awakening to the New Energies of “Ascension”. “Ascension” means that the whole planet is raising its frequencies to resonate with the more refined levels of Spirit. As this happens, everything which does not or cannot resonate with those frequencies, will become glaringly obvious to all around and act as a “millstone around the neck”, until it is released."
Love to All, Judgment for None, For We are One.

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