Saturday, December 5, 2009

I will continuously beam the highest vibrating Love for all my beautiful friends on the Southern California Coast!

It is my intention that they be able to think of me, connect to the high vibration, and thereby reconnect with All that they Are, anytime. Love does not work until you give it away! And always remember, if you are stuck mentally, say to the thought,
"Thank You!" - for your presence and for showing me the way.
"I Love You!" - everything is perfect as it is
"I am so sorry!" - for any harm I have caused
"Please, Forgive Me!"
Healing blessings to all I have known in LA-LA land! Untold adventures await!


Jesse said...

Ah, David, you will be missed! We love you, and can't wait to see you set up & thriving in PS!


Unknown said...

LOVE the messages in this entry...