Thursday, December 3, 2009

On Authentic Human Engagement

"The pendulum has swung in the conscious community over the past several hundred years from spiritual enlightenment through isolation to the development of emotional enlightenment. I had a friend that was particularly reminding me of this recently when he was saying that he looks for inspirations that lead towards something greater, something beyond human existence, beyond the material, because we are not these human bodies. It’s important to honor this cycle in development. There are many realms of enlightenment, and one of them most certainly is going deeply inward on a human level, fully outward on a spiritual level, disengaging from human dramas and finding who you really are as a being of divine life source. We are not our human bodies, and there has been so much entrenched materialism in our world that a huge thrust to get beyond that is vital.


There is a movement though, now, towards social interaction (represented here by the Teh Dah Nah symbol). We have become aware of the fact that the idea of a spiritual path is just as illusory as the human drama itself. Getting into spiritual loftiness is, really, easy compared to authentic human interaction (and can ironically really fuel the ego in a big way as well). The real challenge is coming down into the village and sharing, engaging, and facing the emotions that arise in this process. This is our real purpose, I think – not to be spiritually lofty people up on a mountain, but to be God in expression and in engagement with the human on Earth. We are humans on a planet, right? We are here now. We are not just spirit beings, we are human as well. We are here to be human and to fully maximize our experience of the Divine in human form.


I have had a repeated challenge of seeing many people who “know” so much about spiritual concepts and have even had phenomenal excursions into spiritual awareness, but do not realize that they are not integrating this into the human, that their humanness is still running ramped with huge egotism. There’s not much I’ve found I can do with these folks, but to look at myself – really look at what’s being reflected back to me. I do feel some angst in seeing spiritually egotistical people gaining lots of attention because their so good at getting it now that they have spiritual awareness PLUS ego based social tactics. But, their community often never really lands consistently because they are not fully opening to Life. They are not focused in evoking the God from the community and making a home for that just in their presence alone – they are focused in disseminating a way (their way) up the mountain as “the way.” And, yes, I see how my own ego wants a piece of the pie in some way, some attention somehow – oh, the humility just is recognizing this.


I would say that I am totally aware of the fact that I present a lot of various concepts in this blog, but the material is all just an exploration of my own of self discovery. I’m happy if it inspires someone else, but I would present it simply as considerations – not laws. The things that I share that have more solidarity around them are really the things I feel are the purist – like that true power comes for pure love (how could you go wrong with that). Really, I believe that engaging our humanness, being as creative and explorative as possible, and honoring the uniqueness of each of us in that is really what life is all about right now. How honest can we really be with ourselves and each other. Do we have the courage to be fully transparent with each other and bare our humanness for the sake of exploration, growth, and discovery? This also goes with accepting each other’s role with full responsibility. Each person is right where they are in their life – and that is perfect.


Another way of putting this is to acknowledge that many of us have all the spiritual information and understanding that we need about how life works. What’s missing, our next big step, is breaking down the barriers that exist between us that keep us from fully coalescing into a transparent spiritual community of socially intimate engagement in perfect trust – fearless of the pain of being vulnerable and seen. There is still so much shame and defense in the works that keeps us from really getting real with one another. It’s like we are in our own little back yard and we know that over the fence is the glory of the re-awakened Garden of Eden, but we still feel too comfortable in our own little protective structure to jump that fence quite yet.


Of course, this has it’s own outworking and natural development. Everything is inevitably moving back into wholeness. It is not a matter of how to make it happen – by any means (none of us can figure that out) – but simply a matter of when. Many still don’t even realize how transparent they already are – how easy it is to see people’s deep, core issues. All one has to do is really pay attention and be willing to feel into their own emotions to be able to pick up on this. And to do so is an honor that is best handled with total respect and care. The ease in this is because of the fact that your issues are not just yours, they are the worlds, they are everybody’s issues.


A suggestion: begin to carry the belief that everything around you can hear your thoughts and feel everything that you are feeling (some people you know might be able to do this right now). The point of this is not to enter into a state of paranoia, but of both mindfulness and compassion. If you think you can hide anything, guess again. There is no way to hide – not really. There are ways, but these all eventually break down. Understand that the thought patterns and emotions that you carry are not just yours, they are Maya’s, and we all share in them together and can observe them objectively as out-workings of the human experience with love and compassion. We can have acceptance for them and ourselves and for each other. If someone, or yourself, is really rapped up in something, they are just confused and really just need love and acceptance. Offer them a glass of water and change the subject, or humbly see how you can develop it into the truth, the epiphany, that is already inside them by being a peer with them (not a teacher at them) in human exploration and discovery – in authentic human engagement.

Teh Dah Nah – Third Eye Smiley - A Reiki symbol representing (a) final stage of enlightenment - at piece with ALL the illusions of this world - all eyes wide open - ready and willing to engage fully into Life - and yes, it IS supposed to be funny. Also, realizing the idea of a spiritual path is just as much an illusion as any other human drama."
from Human Expression Notes on Facebook - I have to find the real source it is so awesome

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