Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Into the space of No-time.

I have read about this concept, of humanity moving from linear time into a space of no-time. I have been watching with great intrigue as my awareness levels continue to expand in ways I could never have anticipated. Tonight I experience myself completely outside linear time, in that space where time is not a variable, and is nothing to waste your attention on, because it just IS. Imagine - not ever paying attention to or worrying about anything that happens on earth as a result of the passage of time, including aging and the cycle of life. There is nothing you can do to stop the passage of time, except to step into the space of no-time, and live every moment, without exception, from this perspective.
Now, there are a lot of hierarchical connotations associated with the term Higher Self, or Higher Consciousness, especially of the lofty, idealistic, perfectionistic variety. This is not so. The higher self is able to operate in a higher frequency of perception, that's all. It is a connection which is characterized by a sense of allowing what is to just be, and you get to appreciate things a lot more. Even if any given situation remains the same, whether or not you are able to see it from the space of no-time, it may be that the higher self has no more answers for you than your non-expanded self. There is not a moral judgment concerning any action you might take or choice that you might make, about whether the choice is in alignment with your higher self or made while in connection with the higher self, and it does not mean that you would choose much differently than you do right now.
This is not to say that you will not begin to experience change. There will usually be changes in thinking and behavior for many who undergo this process, but there are some who will find that the no-time is where they begin to flourish, as if they have been waiting all of their life to perceive this space where they feel completely at home expressing their most loving nature. Hoping that everyone catches up because it is such a wonderful space!
I will be going back to re-read about this no-time, as I have seen articles about it for a couple of years now. How awesome to finally experience it for myself!

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