Saturday, November 7, 2009

Art Gallery.

Went to Leti's art exhibition in Laguna Beach. I'll deal with photos later, I don't want to deal with the new territory of the iPhone just now. David came along with his friend Gary, and we went down to the seaside afterward. It was chilly. But very beautiful. Driving home over the mountain on the 73, the trance music was AMAZING. I have not had this surge of energy from that mountain in a long time, since Jesse and Michael were with me, although I always feel the surge of energy from that mountain every time I drive over it, especially northbound. Standing, walking, stairs. Now it's time to medicate.
If ever there was a feeling I wish I could trasmit to Jesse and Michael, it would be this one - the energy surge from the mountain.

1 comment:

Jesse said...

That's exactly what I feel whenever I drive into the heart of Palm Springs. If there is a God, then surely he lives in those mountains.