Monday, November 2, 2009

Super Sunday

What a nice change of events and a nice treat! Even though I spent the weekend alone, Michael and Jesse were home Sunday afternoon getting the glass door repaired, and were in and around and all over me. Michael was in the mood to provide a back and shoulder rub - so I just purred and let him. (First time anyone's hands have been on my bare skin since probably June or July - felt sooooo good). David came to visit and watch more Esther Hicks material, and he is learning that his experience is indeed a product of how he reacts to things and what he thinks about and verbalizes. We talked about the different examples of this. Like Michael and Jesse, he had a wonderful time at the Hollywood Halloween street party when his companions did not. He totally understood that it was because he allowed himself to get into the energy stream and allow the positive energy to flow. It is good to share stories of reality creation with someone who "gets it."
It was a wonderful and delicious treat to have people around me on Sunday which has become an uncommon event, and I voiced my appreciation and asserted that I will miss it a lot. 4 weeks is going to come and go FAST, and then I'll be out of here, if all goes well. I will terribly miss my boys, although I know that they will visit periodically, as will Howie and Marlene, and David, and Craig, and maybe even Alexa - she goes out there from time to time. Craig even knows someone who is working at a new job in Palm Springs and who needs a place to live, so I may already have a roommate. That would prove to be quite helpful, since this condo is EXPENSIVE and my budget is going to be really TIGHT. On the way to bed late I even saw that Dale called - wonder what he is up to.
I'll continue to hold these memories with Jesse and Michael as my favorites of all time, and I know it will be difficult to find friends of their caliber. They long ago set the new standard for friendship, and they will be the yardstick by which I measure any new friends in my new city. Meanwhile, we wait on the application process...

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