Tuesday, November 24, 2009


OMG so I went to a Light-Bearers meeting about a general introduction to A Course in Miracles, which I purchased last fall but have not started reading yet. I think I have about 7 books juggling right now, down from 10, because I finished Gregg Braden's Fractal Time, the Sente Center's Wild Attraction, the Energetic Facts of Life, and Mada Dalian's In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness. Anyway, it was a reminder that there are 365 lessons in the workbook, and that January would be a GREAT time to begin the 365 lessons, for so many reasons not the least of which would be to align with the calendar of 2010, the year that we will begin to create the New Earth from the ashes of that which is falling now. Duly noted.
I am reading Jesse's blog, and agreeing with his frustration about psychoactive drugs and their efficacy. So, I realized that my depression is not improving, and this after both meds and counseling have failed, and I am assessing why - and I get to the kitchen and it is though I see myself in the mirror and a voice says, "HELLOOOO YOU ARE IN SO MUCH PAIN THAT YOU ARE ABOUT READY TO SLIT YOUR WRISTS CALL DR. SINGH NOW."
Well. That about sums it up
Went and looked in the mirror, in amazement about the fact that this is getting worse, not better, and what the ramifications of that are. It is a very scary road to go down. OK. Back to the Now.
I then became aware of a gigantic energy pulse, bigger than anything I have ever felt energetically before, just a moment ago at about 10:20 p.m. tonight. It felt as though I had been knocked off the collective consciousness by a huge voltage, and were now seeing the whole thing and my participation in it as an integrator/transformer of energy from the point of view of an observer. But I was strongly aware of my separation from the collective unconscious. I could then discern its contents. I saw that we have reached critical mass, the wave of energy was the fact that humanity has now hit the magic number of those awakening, and that the destiny of the planet is the same. I perceived the amazing velocity by which this is going to occur. I could feel and identify the collective's anger at the establishment. The shit is about to hit the fan in an escalated way that we have not seen before. The UFO community is convinced that the President is going to publicly expose our government's involvement with ET species of beings. Whether or not that happens, you get the idea of the very heightened tension in the air across the spectrum. The Continental Congress just disbursed, and is going to petition redress by the Congress of the United States, demand the abolition of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve and income tax, and if the redress goes without answer, Civil War will ensue. So, the change is coming, right now, whether it be an easy one or a war-torn one is up to us. Will we have the forsight to keep us from moving ahead without violence, without bloodshed?
And then, as I was able to assess my own personal emotional state while detached from the collective unconscious, I also entertained the idea that it was not a surge of energy that shocked me off the grid, but rather, my own increasing frequency that simply moved me away from that which does not resonate with me, namely, the whole fear spectrum of the collective unconscious. I don't know; both are valid arguments, and perhaps both are necessary for the event to occur.
It is just an incredible time to be alive, I know that is a fact. Trust me when I say that I will be the first to tell you that lightwork and advanced spiritual work is not for the faint of heart. This is some ball-busting, heart-wrenching, rolling-around-in-the-dirt, naked, with anyone and everyone with whom you so desire nasty kind of work. Yeah. You have to look at it ALL. And the valleys are LOW, and the more able you are to stay connected to the idea that even in the darkest of places emotionally, you are never ever alone, the darkness of the valleys increases, as your soul contract involves anchoring light into the darkest recess that you can reach. It is not easy to do. And yet, I am here to tell you that is the most rewarding of any enterprise I have thus undertaken on this planet. I am continuously amazed at how much more I am aware of energy and its movement as this process continues.
And, I can tell you this, my brothers and sisters, we will soon find ourselves in a completely different paradigm. Soverign and whole. Where no mask shall be needed to hide the totality of our being from each other. Can you imagine! The Joyous State that will be!
I have no choice but to go to Palm Springs and interact on a physical level in whatever capacity I so desire, with whom I so desire, as long as the level of involvement stays within my comfort zones. I am confident that I can maintain sanity in that endeavor. STD's be damned. I think I have sense enough to avoid HIV. And there are plenty of others who feel the same way so I think it will be fine. I am finally free to explore like the kids were doing in high school, and college, and beyond. So it is time to become an explorer! Have a little 31 Flavors. LOL!
Just another amazing cycle on the wild ride that is life on this rapidly evolving planet! Hang in there Jesse! Hang in there Michael! Hang in there EVERYBODY!

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