Monday, November 23, 2009

New beginings.

Jelaila Starr's weekly message today about basic training and the mirror of relationship really helped me to have a new perspective. During the time of my awakening, during the past 2 1/2 years especially, I have been involved in some very intense relationships that were preparing me and forcing me to establish boundaries, to solidify my own vision of my dream, so that I could then go ahead and move into the next phase of my journey. And the time is nearing when I am going to embark onto that next phase.
So it is only with complete and utter gratitude that I feel and express for these turbulent relationships, for helping me to clarify my own position, for preparing me to begin the next phase of my mission on this planet, that I am now able to turn my thoughts toward the future. Not only shall I carry my thankfulness for these relationships with me, and welcome future interaction with these individuals on the basis of unconditional love and acceptance, but also I have no doubt whatsoever that our paths will remain intertwined as we all continue to prepare ourselves for the fulfillment of our soul contracts during the ascension phase of the planet.
I have been wrestling with some really big monsters during the past month, as I have been preparing my departure from the coastal region. 11 days remain, and I am now comforted after seeing Jelaila's message today. I completely understand that my current mission is to tie up the loose ends and to be able to make my exit gracefully, with gratitude, and with an open heart toward all who have assisted me in this difficult growth cycle. These individuals will always be welcome in my home, where I hope to provide a sanctuary full of peace, love, and respite from the insanity of urban life so that they can come for rejuvenation whenever they feel the need. The door will always be open.
I am excited about the prospect of having a blank slate on which to create the world I have so long dreamed about living in. I understand that I will be responsible for the creation of this world, and am now prepared to look at things from the new perspective of service to others rather than service to self, which has completely failed me in the past. I am the source of the Love that I percieve is missing; it is up to me to inject Love into every circumstance, every moment, every detail of my new life so that I can begin to see its manifestation in my daily routine. Since I remain unable to wrap my mind around the idea that I have to continue to accept my status as walking this path alone, without a partner, without a companion, I have to trust that this situation will resolve spontaneously as I move forward with my new vision in place. This, the vision that I was able to create as a direct result of my interaction with the people whose loving mirror helped me to make it through basic training, so to speak, so that I would be prepared for the next phase of my journey.
A toast, to new beginings!

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