Sunday, August 9, 2009

Getting hot in the kitchen? Has anyone else noted that they are somehow stuck at a ceiling of our experience?

Greetings from the Divine Feminine Sat 8-9-09 11:45 p.m.
You shall review the past 16-20 weeks and surely observe yourself experiencing an expanded counsciousness, as it is apparent from our perspective. You should be aware of the very intense energies right now as they are magnifying every effect of your reality especially in the past 5 days as you have actually noticed reality warping. You should feel an intense dissonance between your human self and your higher self, consciously or unconsciously, which can feel as all of the negative spectrum of emotions, from loneliness and depression to hostility, aggression, victimization, detachment, disbelief; also the shadow side of intense hope almost elation, but you are not willing to accept elation en masse just yet, a feeling of growing much older, a feeling of time going much faster, a feeling of being generally speaking much warmer, whether or not the actual physical realm is warmer or not, a general feeling of exhaustion, unrest, of being aware of things from a new perspective, but have no idea how or why you arrived at this point, in the situations you found yourself in, or a general sense of discomfort without the pleasure of knowing all these details, or an increase in your awareness of or of the increase in frequency at which you experience high-pitched tones or ringing in the ears, and perhaps even that you have reached a blockage in your ability to fully orgasm and to connect with the cosmos even as that ability increased dramatically for you during the past 20 weeks as well.
The more aware a person is, the more incredible the changes on planet earth are at this time. These feelings are the labor preceding the Cosmic Birth of the New Age, the Golden Age, the Enlightenment, the Rapture, the Quickening, the Singularity, or whatever term that you choose. You eagerly anticipate the pending birth, but are also terrified because it means being out of your usual environment with no knowledge of what to do, how to function, or whether you will be up to the challenge. You have received lots of training and exercises concerning opening the heart chakra, of magnetically tuning into the core of your planet. You should have been able to observe this clearly in your interactions with both yourselves and with others by now. Only decisions made from the heart chakra will feel right to you now, and you will feel much confusion and challenge concerning decisions right now due to these fears of what earth will be like after the Birth of Unity Consciousness worldwide.
You should be able to feel or sense visually the spin factor in the universe now, as it is accelerating as you approach this black hole/wormhole/other planet/photon belt, Galactic Center, or whatever you want to call it - they are one and the same. The increase in electromagnetic energy is the beginning of the blast-off from your male-energy dominated planet, and you are now beginning to actually feel the increase with your senses and your perception of reality. The heat is on. This will continue to increase right up to the time that you are blasted through the center of this process as pure male creative energy being thrown into that which is receptive, loving, comfortable, cooperative, all-accepting, nurturing, where you will become incredible beings that you were meant to be. The more aware you are when this occurs, the more you will be present in the New Reality as the Divine Masculine, as you complete the integration of the Divine Feminine into your current realm. In other words, if your intention is aligned with the highest good for everyone concerned, your creative power of manifestation will increase exponentially, and is directly proportional to the opposites, intentions of service to self will lead to destruction and pain and separation.
If you can imagine the stress of life on this planet if things get much worse, then you can also imagine the release of this after the worst has passed and it starts to get better.
You should all be experiencing situations that seem stuck, especially situations that used to not take so long at all to manifest change. Employment, for example, you may have been feeling stuck in employment and earnings capacity in some time, while at the same time witnessed some of the most heinous behavior of those among the most rich and powerful. You know that change is coming fast, but can't yet see from which direction. You yearn for transformation of the current state of affairs on your planet.
None of these feelings are accidental. Your fear-based buttons are all getting pushed at the same time. We know it is not comfortable, and applaud you as you reach for even higher realms, after already having gone higher than ever before in a single human lifetime.
Some of you may have just begun to realize that your "timeline" of synchronous events, in which you had confirmed the synchronous events that you had followed, (defining the period(s) or events in your lives during which you were divinely guided and made a decision(s) with your heart center) you may have just begun to realize or perhaps recently experienced an events (s) that allowed you too see that the chain of synchronous events began and started and will end before and after your births and deaths, and that you most certainly did come here for a purpose. There is no doubt that you are infinite beings of light and that your higher self is already inside you, waiting for you to connect to it.
Know that you are loved and supported, and request assistance whenever you feel it is necessary, do not allow yourself to stay in any mood of despair for one moment - you will receive the necessary assistance just by asking for it. There is no giving up now!
David, as inspired by the Divine 8/9/09

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yep, David, I have noticed it and have come upon a treasure. Your message is most inspiring. Namaste.