Friday, August 7, 2009

More Father issue notes...

OK now it's REALLY getting interesting. I have no emotions against my father; I mean I did rage for a long time in my 20's, but eventually pulled out of that. I forgave myself, as well, because he chose our path, I could not derail him, he was the adult, I was the child, I did what I could to try to communicate with him, he wanted something else, OK, got it. No problem.
I perfectly understand that if I had not gone through those experiences, I would not be the person that I am sitting here today.
Therefore, where I thought that I began following a series of synchronistic events in about 1996, I can now trace the line all the way back to my BIRTH. Isn't it obvious? We DO chose what parts we will play for each other and what lessons we want to learn and the roles we will play on earth, prior to coming here, and then MAYBE, FINALLY, we then reach the point of complete Unity Consciousness. Glory Be!
The "event horizon" as Nassim calls it will be when the collective consciousness reaches this point, and it should not be much longer now. I have seen the entire process evolve before my very eyes in the past 5 years, alongside my own greater levels of understanding of my spiritual nature.
Some of us volunteered to go to some pretty dark places, because we knew that our empathy would be needed in order to help others out of some of the messes they were getting into as their paths evolved differently than originally planned, or because our knowledge of the dark was needed to be able to better communicate what the light is, since by knowing its opposite you can more clearly define it piece by piece, as every word in the dictionary and every circumstance imaginable is given an opposite and its definition, due to a direct experiece of a human being.
And the time is NOW! We were called to active duty for the ascension in July. I fell into the mens' group not even knowing what I was getting into, then resisting the FIRST topic, which led to all these revalations - the final puzzle pieces for me to begin to completely understand and be present in the current moment, bringing Heaven to Earth, literally - my spirit is now fully conscious on the surface of the planet, which means my entire life experience is going to change now, OMG.
HOW could it GET any BETTER than THIS?

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