Tuesday, August 18, 2009

So what WOULD life look like if I were happy?

I would like to:

Get up at a decent hour each day, get a Jamba Juice and water, take my pills, and then go for a walk or something involving movement.

Then I would like to eat a high protein breakfast.

I would like to spend more time in the sun.

I would like to take more trips, as I become more able to tolerate travel.

I would like to eat better and more often.

I would like to find a way to raise the money for my braces. This involves the committment to see the periodontist and to endure whatever barbaric shit they want to do to me like gum tissue transplants (done wide awake!) and various other tortures.

I would like to see more people making a concerted effort to deliberately co-create their surroundings and life circumstances, by sharing their versions of the "ideal" world so as to be able to support each other in the highest good, and, to come to some concensus about what the ideal situation would BE. This level of communication requires examination of the very definition and connnotations associated with words themselves, as there could be no room for error in communications in order to build this type of concensus that would manifest as reality. Where everyone involved would be getting their needs completely met, would be performing work of the highest value to them and which is their passion, thereby not seeming like work at all. Where society replaced competition for the basic necessities of life, like food, water, air, shelter, clothing, education, medical care, and the physical and emotional components of Love.

Where sexuality would become the method for Divine communication, and would be used as a method for connecting with All That Is in a meditative state, instead of a tool to satisfy an ego construct that creates our happiness or unhappiness or perceived value or status in society. This would remove the need for ideas such as marriage, although in no way would it negate the value of loving partnerships for some people. Where everyone became skilled observers of themselves and of their emotions from outside the experience, so as to become free from the influence of emotion. All emotion except for the natural, Loving State of Bliss is a perceptual error that arises when we compare our current perceived state with a percieved state in an alternate or parallel reality (and we have many simultaneously), and then experience dissonance between the two states - this produces emotions like fear, anxiety, worry, excitement, anticipation, and every emotion in between.

E-motion, energy in motion, can be quieted when we become still, motionless, present and aware of the current moment, in which everything is perfect, and from which we have an infinite potential for the appearance and quality of the very next moment, etc., and so on. When enough of us become aware of the parallel realities, and of the fact that our suffering comes from comparing those with the present moment, we will create a critical mass of people who are present in the current moment, and our consciousnesses will link together, or rather, we will become aware that our indiviual consciesnesses are merely fractal facets of the One consciousness.

This is to say that once we are able to remove self-judgment from the equation, and can see ourselves happy in a future state, as if it were the present, and vice versa, happy in the present as if it were after some future event has occurrred, we will also be able to escape the bondage of guilt, which is the opposite of Love.

I would like to see more community interaction and a more highly organized method for locating like-minded members of any given community.

I will add to this list as I think of things...

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