Monday, August 3, 2009

new things to ponder from Veronica

Veronica lives in Northern California and channels the Eloheim. Just now listening to a powerful session she just did and the question posed is, "What is it RIGHT NOW in THIS INSTANT moment that is scaring you from being completely present in the moment?" Because to identify it is to be able to free yourself FROM it. So I know that one of the things that scares me from being present in the current moment is that I feel as though if I were to show up and be present completely in my body in the physical space with other people that I will not be accepted, will not be loved, and will not get affection. Where did this come from? Clearly, past experience is the origin. But it is NOT POSSIBLE to get what I want, namely, acceptance, love, and affection, UNLESS I stop bringing that baggage to the current moment, according to Eloheim. So you must observe the process of having the fearful emotion from the perspective of your higher self, feel it (reminiscent of Robert Scheinfeld anyone?), and just allow the process. Do not judge myself for having the feelings, but make space to instead be present in the current moment WITHOUT them, so as to have a different current moment than the one I am stuck in.
This is deep work, I am so glad to be able to be doing it, we have so much available to us now to help get past some of the mental programming that we suffer from, so I plan to work on it!
*fears of non-acceptance, rejection, and outcast
*being unable to stop smoking because of being prevented from being present in the current moment because of the fear surrounding its possible effects in the future, thereby leaving me habitually smoking in the current moment (habit is a result of ignoring the fears, you see how this works?)
*fears of persecution, even violent death at the hands of another

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