Monday, August 3, 2009

One year ago today...

Guess who is contacting me again, reminding me that I agreed to do a mission at this time on this planet to assist the evolution of consciousness...
Let me describe that channeling experience, briefly. I have a very strong connection to the Divine Feminine generally speaking, but have only had two deep trance channels to date with her, of which this was the first. I was lying on the beach at the time, face up, basking in the sunlight, and I could see inside my mind's eye that it was my body that was speaking the words, but they were not coming from me. I actually could observe myself speaking these words, and I did, quietly, aloud, as if I were present, but listening to her speak, yet I was doing the speaking. Very odd - I soon expect much more of this activity to begin and hope to have the opportunity to demonstrate - I have explicitly informed her earlier this morning, completely unaware that it had been one year exactly since her first contact with me, that it is my intention to begin to get on with my mission now, and have asked that it be revealed to me, and so now here we are.
Find the point of the singularity in your own heart. Create a situation that makes you overcome with Joy, like crying at a movie or when a song is playing, or about a happy memory, something that ignites your nervous system and you get chills all over. That is the point where we are all connected to every other point in the Universe, including each other. That is the energy that we are going to have to learn to hold in order to use the free energy devices that are about to be unleashed on the planet. To use them without purity of heart for the highest good of all concerned is to cause immediate self-destruction. Other persons with whom you have shared this feeling, literally been in their presence during the feeling, are especially important to you at this time.


Jesse said...

Any insight/guesses as to what your mission will be?

- Jesse

david said...

Nope. But I am being shown even deeper layers of awareness, as the veil is peeled away, so I am getting closer to being present in my body with my whole soul, which is a very uncommon occurrence on this planet, I can tell you that. I do not know when or where the doors will open, I just know that I will have to be ready to act when they do.